Lego alpha team game online
Lego alpha team game online

lego alpha team game online

There were never any new Alpha team sets in 2003 except for one from the mission deep sea line. Others believe that Crunch and Cam were still alive, but either quit the team or were not assigned to the 2004 missions. Some believe that they both died trying to catch him because of Ogel's bombs. After this sub-theme ended, Crunch and Cam were never seen in any other set. However, Ogel escaped again by detaching the cockpit on his Mutant Squid vehicle. In the webtoon, Into the Deep, Ogel's sinister plan for the mutant sea animals was destroyed when Dash reversed the orb factory controls, thus reverting all the sea animals back to normal.

lego alpha team game online

Alpha Team's helper, TeeVee (a television with legs and antennae) can now turn into a deep sea rover for small openings and scouting around the sea embankment.

lego alpha team game online

Rumor has it that he lost his left hand while battling Alpha Team. Ogel's left hand was replaced by a transparent red hook that can still hold things (the Lego minifigure).It is uncertain of how he got the red hook. Ogel also has revised the evil orb so that he could turn ordinary sea creatures into mutants that serve him. Ogel is back with more sinister looking drones that remained from the year 2001. The toyline is known as: Mission Deep Sea. The year is 2002 and Alpha Team has changed slightly. They captured Ogel and destroyed the orb machine (found in the Alpha Team video game). However, he was defeated when Alpha Team entered the picture and broke the power of the evil orbs to restore the drones back to normal. At that time, Ogel has made evil orbs that can turn ordinary civilians into mindless drones to serve as his slaves. Alpha Team started out as a basic top secret group, under the leadership of Dash Justice.

Lego alpha team game online